Those who return a driver's license,ja


The proportion of elderly people in traffic accidents has increased、Increasing number of traffic accidents involving elderly drivers。While feeling anxious about driving、Perhaps many people continue to drive because they can't secure their feet in their lives? Therefore、For those who applied for driver's license cancellation、バス利用の『優遇制度』を実施I will。



交付について① 詳細
交付場所 Obihiro Driver's License Examination Center (Obihiro City West Article 19 North 2-chome 1) Telephone:0155-33-2470
手続き日時 月~金曜日(土日祝・年末年始を除く)8:45 ~ 16:30 ※即日交付は15:00 まで
必要なもの Grant fee 1,100 yen、Driver's license、seal
※ Same day delivery、The photo used for the driving history certificate was taken at the test site(無料)
*The driver's history certificate will be issued for 5 years after the driver's license is returned.。
交付について② 詳細
交付場所 新得・広尾・池田・本別の各警察署(住所地の警察署のみ手続き可能)
必要なもの Grant fee 1,100 yen、Driver's license、ID photo (3 x 2.4 cm)、seal
※交付まで2 ~ 3 Takes a week。(For more information、(Please contact each police station)

Voluntary return of driver's license

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